I spent quite some time thinking about the question of
leadership style and a person or organization that I admire. The organization
that I believe exhibits leadership geared toward helping music educators integrate technology is TI:ME,
Technology Institute for Music Educators (www.ti-me.org).
The organization is focused on helping music educators with the issue of
integrating technology into their classrooms through training, books, articles,
workshops, and conferences.
I believe that TI:ME can help to be a stepping stone for me to
interact with educators that have the same mindset: helping students fall in
love with music within this technology age. There are also be the possibilities
of presenting at conferences as well as publishing articles within the
My next step is to join the organization and begin the process of
interacting with those that can help me along, and in turn, help others.
Great selection, it's wonderful to know that there are organizations like TI:ME. I'm going to add it to Dr. Bedard's list. Thanks.