Saturday, July 28, 2012

Week 4 Wimba Recap: Readings and Month 12

This week’s Wimba was a recap of the book “The Art of Possibility” as well as a sneak peek of what is expected in month 12. Here is what I absorbed from the session.

“The Art of Possibility” recap was essentially a discussion centered on questions presented in the session.

Question 1: How is the Art of Possibility different from “The power of positive           thinking” or Oprah’s “The Secret”?
            I vaguely remember “The Power of Positive Thinking”, but I do remember    that it deals with the perspective that we look at life and issues that may         arise. “The Art of Possibility” helps us to see that negative thinking is a           downward spiral that leads to a less than effective life. Both books are very   closely related in that respect.

Question 2: Which chapters meant the most to you and why?
            Two favorite chapters are “3:Giving an A” and “6:Rule number 6”. While        reading, “Giving an A” I began to visualize many of my students that have    been dealt a low blow in their life, whether it be their social status, or in         other ways. When given the opportunity, students will soar when they are    given the opportunity to rise above a grading system bent on judgment. 
            Rule number 6 was very inspiring because I tend to take myself too seriously           sometimes. It has become my new mantra. “Remember rule #6”

Question 3: What things are you going to take from the reading and use in your teaching and your life?
            I think that this teaching could help other teachers reignite the spark that led them to their teaching career. Many teachers I’ve seen are very negative and have lost some of the passion that led them to the profession in the first place. Some of the things that impacted me the most from the book was that people are empowered, not by force, but by giving freedom. Freedom to explore and express.

Month 12 is upon us. As discussion began about the upcoming month, I began to feel anxiety about everything we have to accomplish to get finished with the EMDT program. Then I realized that most of it has been done. What a ride. This program has really been an immersion in so many levels that I have more confidence in my teaching ability now. Looking forward to making it to the finish line. We have fought the good fight. We have finished the course. We have kept the faith.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing the wimba archive and sharing your answers to the poll questions. Please do not feel anxiety about month 12, you've made it this far and you deserve to be here based on your efforts and contributions to the journey. Enjoy your last month in the program.
